Theme - Digital Design Reconsidered
Computer-Aided Architectural Design (CAAD) is a common and
established method in architecture today. Yet, with the accelerated and
ever-growing number of applications in architectural practice and
research, reflection and re-evaluation don’t always keep step with the
pace of progress. In 2003, at the 21st eCAADE conference in Graz,
Austria, the conference served as a catalyst for ideas and concepts on
digital design
at a time now referred to as the first digital turn*.
20 years later, in 2023, the 41st eCAADe conference in Graz aims to
once again provide a forum for open reflection and reconsideration
of the last decades of digital design in architecture, to capture
the current discourse on the digital in architecture. By revisiting
earlier concepts,
we might recognize and anticipate a shift in the application of
CAAD, we might observe a second digital turn**, towards a more
sustainable, participatory, collaborative,
efficient, open, inclusive, complex, reconsidered digital
architecture. It is in this spirit that this year’s eCAADe conference
‘Digital Design Reconsidered’ invites you to submit a paper.
We look forward to welcoming you in Graz.
*) Carpo, Mario. 2013. The digital turn in architecture 1992-2012. Wiley.
**) Carpo, Mario. 2017. The second digital turn: design beyond intelligence. MIT Press.
Reconsidering digital design:
- digital architecture theory and history
- digital experimentations of early computing
- digital design and generative methods
- digital fabrication, robotics and automation
- digital collaboration, interaction and inclusion
- digital research in practice and academia
- digital simulation and bim
- digital design education and pedagogy
- digital cities and virtual heritage
- digital realities (virtual, augmented and mixed)
- digital design and sustainability